Saturday, April 30, 2011

[OffTopic] Sony Comes Clean–Personal Information has been Accessed

If you do not own a PS3 or another PSN enabled device, then please disregard this article and enjoy the rest of your Tuesday. If you own an XPeria Play, PSP or PS3 and you have an active PSN account, I suggest you read this, and take some sort of defensive action.

If you haven’t heard already, Sony’s PSN has been down for close to an entire week due to an “External Intrusion” of some sort [according to Sony]. And in a shocking update released moments ago–users’ personal information has indeed been accessed.

According to Sony, this is what has been accessed:

* Name
* Shipping address
* Billing address
* Country
* E-mail address
* Birthdate
* PSN/Qriocity ID
* PSN/Qriocity password
* PSN/Qriocity security question and answer
* Purchase history

Being an avid PSN user myself, this information alarms me, and it should alarm you, too. We here at Androidspin advise you to take some sort of defensive action regarding this breach of important information. Personally, I suggest removing your credit card info from the account and getting a new credit card from your bank, and when this blows over, buy PSN cards if you want to add funds to your account.

Source: Engadget

Feelin’ talkative? Hit me up and follow me on Twitter! @GoCkillaz

Eh? You're reading this? Wow, I'm just as surprised as you are. I've been an avid Android user since October 2009, when I bought my T-Mo myTouch 3G [Black]. Since then, I've moved on to a MyTouch Slide, and now I'm rocking an HTC HD2 with Android. Life couldn't be better. Also, follow me on Twitter!

View the original article here

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